A GhostDraft Case Study
Problem Overview
For decades, MGA’s & producers in the Specialty Lines Insurance space have been relegated to conducting business via antiquated and disparate systems. Docucorp’s PPS desktop solution helped to enable producers to quickly and efficiently issue policies, but problems remained with the interchange of policy data between the agency & carrier systems. More recently, insurance companies have built out their own proprietary systems, but this puts the producer in a tough position of having to work across a multitude of platforms simply to issue a policy without any standardized way of leveraging their policy admin data. In short, many of the same fundamental problems plague policy issuance workflows in the Excess & Surplus market that existed 30 years ago.
The Challenge
Enabling producers to quickly and efficiently issue policies while advancing a solution that allows for streamlined collaboration and integration between agency & carrier systems is a critical requirement that has been difficult to achieve. Producers want a single, easy-to-use solution for issuing policies across multiple companies that can be driven from their internal policy admin systems, which serve as the lifeblood of their operations. Meanwhile, insurance carriers want to ensure that they can quickly and efficiently roll out new products to the market while ensuring accuracy and full accountability of the completed policy data. Despite significant technological advancements, a solution that addresses the needs of both parties has proven elusive.
Our Solution
We’ve leveraged our years of experience developing insurance solutions to build AgencyGate with the core objective of streamlining policy issuance workflows between insurance agencies & companies. As a cloud-native offering powered by GhostDraft, AgencyGate solves many of the historical problems that have plagued policy issuance workflows while delivering on a solution that advances how agencies & companies work together:
- End-to-end integration with agency & company systems.
- Support for manual or automated policy data import from agency admin systems (Docucorp V2, XML, other formats).
- Cloud-native secure clearinghouse for all policy transactions between agency & company via RESTFul web API.
- Simple solution to quickly offer a new line-of-business to the market.
- Best-in-class interactive capabilities provided by GhostDraft.
- Full support for Work-In-Process (WIP) and Archive capabilities.
- Full support for standard & proprietary ISO forms.
- Fully dynamic DEC’s & schedule pages (shrink & grow to accommodate data) – no more need for supplemental/overflow forms.
- Simple conversion from Docucorp PPS forms via MigrationXpress.
- Easy implementation of Word forms via GhostDraft Studio.

Exceptional Results
Better Insurance Workflows
One solution for the management & creation of policy documents powered by GhostDraft. Ability to work with a multitude of import & export data structures for multiple agencies across thousands of policy documents.
Streamlined Integration
Single cloud-native API for streamlined integration between the producer & carrier, underpinned by GhostDraft's Document Composition, Data Capture, Data Mapping & Policy Assembly services.
Cost Savings
Subscription-based model to scale with your business, elimination of IT overhead required to manage policy issuance infrastructure, reduction or elimination of costs associated with errors & omissions.
We Can Help
GhostDraft helped to underpin our AgencyGate solution. How can we help you?
If you’re looking for a cloud-native CCM solution or have unique insurance workflow challenges like those addressed here, reach out to see how we can help your organization.